The health benefits of massage during pregnancy are stress reduction, muscle relaxation, increase blood flow, reduce leg crumps, strengthen the lymphatic system, improve mood, lower anxiety, reduce swelling in arms and legs, help with sleep and relieve muscle and joint pain. Pregnancy massage can be particularly helpful for anyone who may be experiencing sciatic nerve pain. Techniques or positioning will have to be adjusted according to the trimester of pregnancy.
Side lying position is the safest position for pregnancy especially after 27 weeks (Third trimester of pregnancy), but I do recommend side liying on your first pregnancy, from weeks 13 up, as it is safe and offers positive physical and psychological benefits for mother and baby. This position allows to relax the lower back muscles and ligaments by reducing tension and pressure on your lower back from supporting your tummy.
Regardless of your perception or preferences in this regard, prone position is optional, in a pregnancy massage table, special designed with an elastic thick hammock shaped band which can be modified according to your belly size, in order to avoid stretching out ligaments in the abdominal area. Giving you belly support and comfort. This table will allow you to lay down from your second trimester of pregnancy mostly week 13 to week 26. Prone position massage is performed for maximum 20-30 minutes. Then you will be accommodated on side-lying.
Note: I will massage in Prone position- only if you already have prone massage in the past without any discomfort and for those between 13 and 20 weeks of your second trimester of pregnancy that haven’t have any miscarriage symptoms. All that matters is your and your baby’s safety and wellbeing.
- Specific advice from treating medical professional.
- Some high-risk pregnancies
- Pre-eclampsia
- First trimester of pregnancy
- High blood pressure/PIH (Pregnancy Induced Hypertension)
- Previous pre-term labour
- Recent bleeding
- Pre-term contractions
- Sudden severe headache
- Miscarriage symptoms